Thank you to everyone who came to the Cranleigh Christmas Fair, and to all our fabulous stallholders for supporting us. It was a very successful day with nearly 800 people visiting and raising over £17,500 for the Cranleigh Foundation. We hope for a similar result this year.
The 2024 Fair will take place on Saturday, 9th November 2024 from 10am to 4pm at Cranleigh Prep School, Horseshoe Lane, Cranleigh GU6 8QH.
This will be the fifteenth Cranleigh Christmas Fair. We have been delighted by the number and quality of applications we received this year. We still have a small number of stalls available for food and drink sellers, and for Christmas decorations and gifts for children and teens.
The committee are hugely grateful to our main sponsor, Hardwood Ltd, and to our Tombola sponsor, Burns & Webber Prime, for their support.